Home Care Re-enablement
The overall aim of our Re-enablement Services is to help people who have recently been discharged from hospital or Residential Care following illness or accident, or who are having difficulty managing at home. By working with them to restore their physical and mental capabilities to their optimum potential. We offer this service to three main types of people:
- Older people who may of had an accident or fall forcing them to be admitted into hospital for observation or surgery
People with mental health issues who are trying to rehabilitate themselves into an independent life after a period of institutional care.
People with learning disabilities whose family or social worker recognise that their potential to develop maximum independence had not been reached yet.
All clients undergo a comprehensive assessment to determine realistic goals and outcomes to be achieved through a structured programme of relearning previous skills and the acquisition of new skills where possible. We then manage this programme of reablement with aim of the client to achieve as high a degree of independence as possible. The period of reablement support can vary between a few weeks to a few months, but will always have a set date for reviewing progress against set goals and outcomes. We are able to work with health care teams and professionals who may be involved with supporting our reablement service for the individual to regain or learn their daily living skills for maintaining a more independent lifestyle.
For more information give us a call 01933 428209

- Post author:admin
- Post published:September 12, 2017
- Post category:Care/Care in the community/Carers/Enablement/Hospital Discharge/House Work/Live in Care/Mental Health/Older People/Paying Bills/Personalised/Personalised Care/Physical Disabilities/Privacy and Dignity